The Pomorskie Voivodeship is one of the three Polish regions located on the Baltic Sea (the length of the coastline is 316 km). It is characterized by above-average natural values, which result from the significant diversity of the environment and landscape and the degree of preservation of the naturalness of some ecosystems. The lakes of the Pomorskie Voivodeship form clusters with the highest lake content in Poland – there are 10 large reservoirs with an area of over 500 ha and about a thousand smaller water reservoirs. Several large rivers flow through the region, including Vistula, Wda, Brda, Wierzyca, Motława, Nogat, Łeba, Reda and Wieprza.

Forests cover more than 36 percent area of the voivodeship, which puts the region in third place in Poland in terms of forest cover. There are two national parks in the voivodeship: Słowiński National Park and Bory Tucholskie National Park, as well as 9 landscape parks and 134 nature reserves.

The self-government of the Pomorskie voivodeship consistently increases the region’s environmental and energy security, works on preserving natural values and protecting air and water purity. It supports and subsidizes obtaining energy from renewable sources, thermal modernization of buildings, air protection programs (so-called anti-smog acts) and water retention. The local government is also developing integrated public transport and the water and sewage system in the region. Environmental education and involvement in initiatives related to environmental protection play an important role. In addition, support programs for farmers, rural areas and fisheries are implemented in the voivodeship. Popular initiatives include: Active Pomorskie Village and the Beautiful Pomorskie Village competition.

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