The Wybrzeze Theatre. Rehearsal of the play "Karmaniola, czyli od Sasa do Lasa". photo: Dominik Werner

Pomorskie offers a very rich artistic offer.  Demanding art lovers appreciate the Shakespeare Festival, Feta – International Festival of Outdoor and Street Theatres, Festival of Polish Contemporary Arts R@port or the Wybrzeże Sztuki Festival. Jazzmen also have their own events, i.e. Komeda Jazz Festival in Słupsk, Ladies’ Jazz Festival in Gdynia and Sopot Jazz Festival. The Metropolia is Okey Festival means countless concerts, dance theater shows and meetings with writers. Film Festival in Gdynia and Golden Lions, Forest Opera in Sopot and Amber Nightingale, Polish Boogie Festival in Człuchów do not require advertising. The Open’er Festival in Gdynia has become a world-class event. The Gdańsk Shakespeare Theater is the only theater in the country with an open roof. The National Museum in Gdańsk has one of the most valuable works in the collection of Polish museology – “The Last Judgment” by Hans Memling.

The self-government of the Pomorskie Voivodeship takes care of representatives of the artistic community by awarding scholarships and awards:  The Pomeranian Artistic Award, Theater Award of the Marshal of the Pomorskie Voivodeship, Pomeranian Literary Award Wind from the Sea, The Pomeranian Museum Award, Pomeranian Press Photography Competition in honor of  Z. and M. Kosycarz Gdańsk Press Photo.



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